93-A, Second Extension Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
+91- 9086088343

Trained Staff

At CIS we provide best teacher training course of NTT & ETT, enhance their creativity and make them all rounder teacher.

Best Education System

CIS belive in loving & secure enviornment for the children optimum growth & holistic development.

Library & Labs.

CIS powered with high tech laboratory and library for enhancing listening & speaking skills.

Awards & Certification

Cinosural international School-CIS have excelence award of 2018-19 , 2019-2020 by Brainfeed.

Welcome to Cinosural International- An Elementary School

We at CIS give every child a chance to excel. Cinosural educate & nurture future rising starts of our nation. The school is intended to feel like a lap away from a lap. The classroom learning is backed with teaching aids, learning modules, set of assignment booklets, workbooks, worksheets, notebooks & teacher's lesson plans. Vacbulary building, pre writing skill development, two & three letter word formation, concept clarity are the attributes. Cinosural work on digital platform for all. Pure hearted & having a fresh memory wherein we can store the truthfullness, respect for elder ones, stand always with truth & how to promote yourself by working like a team. We are nation builders.

Cinosural pioneers in developing unique & research backed skill based intervention tools & technologies for the children with special needs& working with them.

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What We Offer

Cinosural provides to every child known, safe, inspired, challenged, empowered & stimulating environment to educate all children who achieve today & tomorrow in a global community & ecomony. Nurturing children in a way to ensure their success academically, socially & emotionally.

Online Classroom

Learning is fun and CIS smart classes are doing exactly that by making the student’s most boring subject palatable and intresting

Smart Classes

At CIS we have all the classrooms fully equipped with smart classes program for ease learning.

Exceptionally Qualified Staff

At CIS we provide best teacher training course of NTT & ETT, enhance their creativity and make them all rounder teacher.

Sufficient Classrooms

At CIS sufficent classrooms are available in buliding the smart learing enviroment for child .

Safety First- Audio CCTV Surveillance

At CIS we have latest and modern audio CCTV surveillance system for monitoring.

Sports Facilities

At CIS we offer students a lot of sports and fun activities so that they can explore & learn with fun.

CIS Videos

Fun is just another word for Learning

'Happy Vasant Panchami' Posted by CIS Jammu on '03-02-2025'

Happy Vasant Panchami

'Republic Day Celebration' Posted by CIS Jammu on '28-01-2025'

Republic Day Celebration

'Republic Day Celebration' Posted by CIS Jammu on '28-01-2025'

Republic Day Celebration

'Happy Republic Day' Posted by CIS Jammu on '28-01-2025'

Happy Republic Day

'CIs Int Behind The Scene' Posted by CIS Jammu on '28-01-2025'

CIs Int Behind The Scene


Our Classroom Programs

At Cinsoural International- An Elementary School we offer the following classroom programs to the students of various age groups.


1 to 1.6 Yrs

Newborn children need to realize they are cherished and thought about. Our staff liberally addresses

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Pre Toddlers

1.6 to 2.2 Yrs

Pre Toddlers children need to realize someone holding their hand for understanding surrounds and create.

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Play Group

2.2 to 2.6 Yrs

Kids begin to investigate their general surroundings when they are conceived. At CIS, the play assemble

Take A Course

Pre Nur. & Nursery

2.6 to 4 Yrs

At CIS, we want our child to be happy, safe and secure at all times, whilst we inspire them to become lifelong

Take A Course


4 to 6 Yrs

Expanding on the establishments presented all through Preschool, the youngsters will learn

Take A Course

Class Ist

6 to 7 Yrs

Expanding through real observations and visualization of things differently in our classroom

Take A Course

CIS Facilities

At CIS- An Elementary school we offer most of the pre school facilities to the students so that they can explore & learn with fun.

Integrated Learning

The integrated approach in Cinosural teaching technology combines content are instruction.Cinosurals's integrated curriculum allow children to pursue learning in a holistic way without the respteictions often imposed by subject boundaries

Smart Classrooms

Smart classrooms of CIS enable teaching and learning opportunities like never before.Learning is fun and smart classes are doing exactly that by making the student’s most boring subject palatable

Student Teacher Ratio

CIS class enviroment existing in ratio of 4:1 via which quality education and best learning prevails in students

Live Streaming

cinosural streams media(classes) simultaneously recoded and broadcast in real time. streaming is used as showcasing talent of tittle buds

All Weather Transport System

provides transportantion for convience and the safety of children. Door-Door pick up available for little ones.AC eco van used for transportantion .

Fully AC Class Rooms

Brain need to be focused to make sure children well get most of it. the temperature controlled class rooms doesn't allow children or teacher to be uncomfortable, hence learning is enhaced

24*7 Parents School Communication

Interactivity and communication facility of Cinosural is highly comprehensive and discipinary way.Performance and activity being disscused 24*7 with parents.

Medical Facility

A special team of doctors visit cinosural twice a month to conduct medical checkup of children. various test also be taken for the health of child

Years of Experience

At CIS we believe a stimulating environment is the key to fulfilling your child's potential. Our integrated theme curriculum, beginning in Toddler, combines science, social studies, art and craft, cooking and field trips to help foster a life-long love of learning in your child.

0 Certified Teachers
0 Delighted Kids
0 Proud & Contented Parent
0 Awards Won

What Parents Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

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